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In The Shadows, It Is Well

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

When the sky turns gold to tell us

That the night is soon to fall

When the crickets sing of solace

Do you feel deep in your soul

That this world, though bruised and broken

Carries music with each breeze?

Hear them whisper, “Hope is coming.

You were made for nights like these.”

When the glimmer of a firefly

Cuts through the black of night

Does your heart grow warm within you?

Does your spirit love the light?

Though the darkness oft’ feels heavy

Though the shadows overwhelm

Do you hear a soft voice singing

“In the shadows, it is well”?

For there is an ancient purpose

In the darkness of the night

It was never meant to frighten

But to point us to the light

Just as gold appears most glorious

When compared with worthless dross

So true beauty shines the brightest

‘Neath the shadow of a cross

But why do we love beauty?

And why do breezes sing?

Why does the softly setting sun

Restore us, give us peace?

Perhaps this broken glory

Is a hint of what’s to come

Perhaps beauty warms our spirits

Because beauty feels like home

And perhaps home is a person

And this person has a name

And the man, Beauty Incarnate

Was the lamb for sinners slain

So maybe golden sunsets

And fireflies and wind

Remind us Beauty is coming back

That darkness doesn’t win

And perhaps these earthly shadows

Of the beauty of the King

Were given that our restless hearts

Might long to walk with Him

He says “Take heart my child.

Your name is written in my wounds.

I died that restless longing hearts

Might one day be made new.”

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